November \ Home Stead
This issue, titled Home Stead, focused on the landmarks and remnants of what we know of as the place we lay our head. Featuring small ceramic and gold sculptures by Lauren Klenow - some which you would assemble and arrange yourself , a wall installation with step-by-step instructions by Francesca Lohmann, a re-creation of the wallpaper and mold patterns from a deconstructed wall; and written piece by Rachel Shimp.
September \ Feedback Loop
This summertime box set was titled Feedback Loop, and featured a set of varying original abstract acrylic paintings by Brian Cypher, delicate ink drawings referencing animal remains by Allyce Wood, and an invigorating analysis of self-referential loops in artistic works by Emily Pothast.
July \ Incorruptible View
Our 3rd issue, titled Incorruptible View, took its name from a compelling phrase in DW Burnam's accompanying essay. This lovely collaboration featured multiple original works by Amanda Manitach and Derrick Jefferies, and a captivating written piece putting the works into context by DW Burnam, Hic et Nunc Dimittis.
May \ Water Closet
This box set, titled Water Closet, featured original work by Troy Gua and Erin Shafkind, with a witty tongue-in-cheek written piece My Life with Privies by Anne Blackburn on the ubiquity and necessity of world-wide toilets encountered during her travels across the globe. This collaboration was a wonderful nod to the multiplicity of humorous and sometimes poignant references to bodily waste, consumption, and the art world by artists throughout history.
March \ NorthWest
Our first issue of the curated box sets was titled NorthWest, and featured works on paper by Joey Veltkamp, Susanna Bluhm, and a full essay on the humble beginnings of this labor of love by Amanda Manitach, which put the box and the artists into historical context.